Aleppo City Key Informants Assessment, Syria Crisis

25 June 2014

Aleppo City Key Informants Assessment, Syria CrisisSince January 2013, the extensive shelling of Aleppo has left part of the city in ruins and caused massive population displacement, as well as the regrouping of the remaining population in the south-western parts of the eastern city area. As of early June 2014, significant population displacement out of eastern Aleppo was still ongoing due to the further intensification of the conflict. REACH conducted a key informants assessment in Aleppo between in April-May 2014 to collect inform on the needs of populations located in the eastern part of the city. REACH conducted this assessment in consultation with the Inter-sector Coordination Group and the Assessment Working Group for Northern Syria, and with support from the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. Click here to access the report.