Central African Republic: REACH support to the Rapid Response Mechanism 2015 overview

6 April 2016


Since the beginning of 2015, REACH has been supporting the coordination of the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) in the Central African Republic (CAR), under the lead of UNICEF.

The main objectives of this mechanism is to ensure humanitarian watch through rapid sectoral and multi-sectoral assessments, in areas of displacement and return, as well as the dissemination of these assessments at coordination and humanitarian community levels; to contribute to the improvement of the capacity of the affected population to carry out essential daily activities for their survival and dignity; and to ensure access to drinking water and a healthy environment for vulnerable populations affected by shocks through water emergency, hygiene and sanitation.

In this context, REACH has been supporting the RRM to produce bi-monthly reports visualizing and consolidating data from 5 partners, ACF, ACTED, DRC, PU-AMI and SI, with the aim of facilitating humanitarian coordination and aid delivery. To mark the end of the year, REACH released, in the framework of the RRM, an annual report for 2015 to track changes over the year and consolidated the snapshots produced through the bi-monthly reports. This annual report showed that in 2015, the RRM conducted 95 exploratory missions, 93 multi-sectoral assessments, 48 NFI distributions and 32 WASH Interventions. In terms of NFI, the 48 interventions conducted were recorded to have helped 161 484 people. For WASH, the 32 interventions were recorded to have helped a total of 68 652 people.

RRM partners have also been collecting data on post-distribution monitoring to evaluate the satisfaction of quality, quantity, and usefulness of items distribute, as well as the timeliness of distribution. Overall, the RRM performance has been satisfactory in addressing the needs of over 160,000 people across most of CAR.

To read the full annual report, click here.

Image: Map indicating number of NFI beneficiaries reached by status