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IMPACT Initiatives adopts the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations
IMPACT Initiatives adopts the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations

Organisation updates

IMPACT Initiatives adopts the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations

IMPACT Initiatives has signed the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations at a time when our planet is in a period of accelerating climate and environmental crises, the effects of which are being felt by all of us.   As humanitarian organisations, we see this crisis reflected every day in our work. Climate-related disasters have  nearly doubled in […]

International Women’s Day 2024 | Building the evidence base: IMPACT’S research on gender as a driver of increased vulnerability
International Women’s Day 2024 | Building the evidence base: IMPACT’S research on gender as a driver of increased vulnerability

Global news

International Women’s Day 2024 | Building the evidence base: IMPACT’S research on gender as a driver of increased vulnerability

Recognizing the unique experiences of women during crises is vital for designing effective interventions. However, humanitarian research often falls short in fully grasping these experiences. As we commemorate International Women’s Day, it’s important to acknowledge this important information gap. Despite efforts to integrate a gender perspective into the research process, from design to analysis, there […]