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How our global partners use MSNA data to understand internal displacement
How our global partners use MSNA data to understand internal displacement

Global news

How our global partners use MSNA data to understand internal displacement

Each year, REACH conducts Multi-Sector Needs Assessments (MSNAs) to support annual humanitarian response planning, through producing a reliable evidence base for decision-makers about the needs, vulnerabilities, and preferences of crisis-affected people. Many of the humanitarian crises where MSNAs are conducted are characterized by widespread internal displacement – as evidenced by the 70+ million internally displaced […]

IMPACT mobilises to inform humanitarian response planning following the escalation of violence in Middle East
IMPACT mobilises to inform humanitarian response planning following the escalation of violence in Middle East

Country news

IMPACT mobilises to inform humanitarian response planning following the escalation of violence in Middle East

Following the escalation of conflict and violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) since 7 October 2023, IMPACT has mobilized to support humanitarian partners and coordination platforms in their response. Within this framework, our teams are directly supporting humanitarian planning through secondary and primary data and Information Management (IM) support. For example, we […]