REACH Bohol Shelter Needs Assessment Final Report Released

3 December 2013

At 08:12 on October 15th, 2013 an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred in Region VII of the Philippines, the epicentre of which was located in the eastern part of Bohol Province.

Bohol Shelter final report front page-001

Through a stand-by partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster, REACH was deployed to Bohol on October 23rd in order to facilitate a rapid assessment in Bohol, the province most affected by the earthquake.

provisional interim report about REACH post-earthquake shelter assessment has been first made available, and presents the initial findings from household-level assessments conducted in Carmen, Sevilla, and Sikatuna municipalities between 29th October and 1st November 2013.

Data collection in the other municipalities affected by the emergency has now been completed.  The final assessment report, including household level data from 12 municipalities, has just been released.

It presents both the damages caused by the earthquake and the households surveyed’s intentions for shelter recovery, making this assessment a planning tool for the humanitarian community.