REACH deployed to the Philippines after Earthquake

11 November 2013

At 08:12 on October 15th, 2013 an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred in Region VII of the Philippines, the epicentre of which was located in the eastern part of Bohol Province.

Through a stand-by partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster, REACH was deployed to Bohol on October 23rd in order to facilitate a rapid assessment in Bohol, the province most affected by the earthquake.


A provisional interim report about REACH post-earthquake shelter assessment is available, which presents the initial findings from household-level assessments conducted in Carmen, Sevilla, and Sikatuna municipalities between 29th October and 1st November 2013. Data collection in the other municipalities affected by the emergency is currently on-going and a final assessment report, including household level data from 12 municipalities, will be released in the coming days.