REACH / Global Shelter Cluster Peru floods response

2 August 2012

→ Final Shelter Cluster Assessment Report is now available on Peru Reports as well as on the Shelter Cluster website. Here Spanish version

→  14 new Static Maps are also available at Peru Resource Center 

Since late January heavy rains / snowfalls have caused large flooding affecting multiple countries in South America – particularly Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia. To date more than 1.2m people have been affected by the floods. The situation worsened steadily since January reaching a peak in late April. Mountainous areas have faced mudslides in localized municipalities that destroyed homes and in which people lost all their belongings ahead of the winter season. In the Amazonian plains overflowing rivers have flooded wide swathes of land and water levels remained high over long periods of time.

REACH was deployed to Peru from the 20th of June 2012 until the 7th of July 2012. In collaboration with the Global Shelter Cluster, REACH team conducted a  rapid shelter assessment and mapped the assessment results. The main objective was the facilitation of a needs assessment focused on the impact of floods and landslides in the shelter sector in selected priority areas.


For more publications about REACH / GSC deployment in Peru :