REACH Releases Key Informant & District Profiling Report for Syrian Refugees in Host Communities in Jordan

14 March 2014

The influx of Syrian refugees into Jordan has placed considerable pressure on already strained resources and services available to Jordanian communities. This report presents the findings from a two-months assessment conducted by REACH, with the support of the British Embassy in Amman, in the governorates of Ajloun, Al Mafraq, Balqa, Irbid, Jarash, and Zarqa. REACH Assessment teams carried out a total of 1,445 interviews with Jordanian citizens and Syrian refugees across 448 communities.FCO Key Informant and District Profiling JOR Jan2014-001

Through this assessment, REACH found that the biggest challenge was access to cash, specifically cash to cover rent. This situation is compounded by the inflation of rental prices caused by the shortage of housing solutions. In some areas, Syrian refugees have limited access to income generating activities and thus little financial means to cover their household needs. As a direct result, paying rent takes precedence over other essential needs such as food, health and education.

The report provides an analysis of the constraints faced by Jordanian citizens and Syrian refugees in accessing essential services, and it also provides sector-specific recommendations. With this information, aid actors are able to design, plan and deliver assistance more efficiently.

Overall, the assessment findings point to the need to continue and better target support to Syrian refugees, vulnerable Jordanian households and Jordanian hosting communities. To improve stability within Jordanian hosting communities, it is essential that humanitarian and development actors target their support towards communities where resilience capacity is the most overstretched.

You can access the full report here.

To read more about the developments in Jordan and how REACH is contributing to better planning, please visit Jordan country page.