REACH releases overview of Syrian Refugees staying in Informal Tented Settlements in Jordan

2 October 2014

ITS-jordanInformal tented settlements have been present in Jordan since the beginning of the Syrian refugee crisis, but little data exists on the needs and vulnerabilities of those who live there. Staying on private land, often in makeshift shelters, refugees in informal tented settlements are impoverished, and often vulnerable to eviction.

­­REACH conducted a nationwide census of Syrian refugees living in informal tented settlements in Jordan, commissioned by UNICEF. The report assessed needs across multiple sectors including education, food security, health, livelihoods, shelter and water and sanitation.

The study builds on a baseline assessment of informal tented settlements in Jordan, carried out by REACH in December 2013. Assessment findings show a dramatic increase in the number of settlements since late 2013, covering a total of 125 informal settlements and representing a four-fold increase in the number of settlements identified to date.

With the support of UNICEF, REACH continues to monitor the evolution of informal tented settlements in Jordan to inform humanitarian actors of the evolving needs of some of the most vulnerable and impoverished Syrian refugee households.

The full report can be read here: Multi-sector Assessment Report on Syrian Refugees living in Informal Tented Settlements in Jordan