REACH Releases Urban Area Humanitarian Profiles of Northern Syria Cities

28 August 2014

Syria_Crisis_Needs_OverviewThrough Key Informant interviews and direct field observations, REACH carried out rapid assessments on food, health and water in Eastern Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor, Al Hasakeh, and Qamishli.

Assessment findings highlight sector specific needs, priorities and severity levels to inform the ongoing relief response. A summary of the data collected is available in the form of factsheets for each city: Eastern Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor, Al Hasakeh, Qamishli, and Ar Raqqa.

To ensure that data could be comparable, REACH designed a multi-sector questionnaire based on data collection tools developed for the Syria Integrated Needs Assessment (SINA). REACH assessments do not aim to provide detailed programmatic information; rather these are designed to share with a broad audience a concise overview of the current situation in this area and to guide further, more targeted specialist assessments.