REACH Reports on Social Cohesion in Communities Hosting Syrian Refugees in Jordan 

28 August 2014

Picture_Employment_Syrian_RefugeesREACH continues to actively support the response to the Syrian crisis by monitoring the tensions in communities hosting Syrian refugees in Jordan.

In consultation with the government and operational partners in Jordan, REACH identified information gaps in the data currently available on the causes of tensions within the host communities. In order to address these gaps, REACH conducted a multi-sectoral assessment to identify the emerging tensions in Jordan as a result of the Syrian crisis and how they could be mitigated through social cohesion and resilience programming. The assessment was conducted from August 2013 to March 2014 across the six northern governorates of Ajloun, Balqa, Irbid, Jarash, Al Mafraq and Zarqa. REACH’s assessment was supported by the British Embassy in Amman, local government ministries and key stakeholders such as the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), UN agencies and other humanitarian and development actors from the international community.

The assessment covered the themes of Education, Employment, Health, Housing, Perceptions of External Assistance, and Water.

For more information about REACH activities in Jordan, please visit our country page.